Your Mental Health Is Important

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Disclaimer: I was too anxious to post this since mental health is a very sensitive topic. If I had written something incorrect or offensive, please let me know right away. I would really appreciate it.

I want to talk about mental health since we just celebrated World Mental Health Day last October 10. To be honest, I was never taught in the household nor in school about mental health and how important it is on every individual. I believe it is important to talk about it and to share to everyone to raise awareness.

Growing up, I thought depression was just made-up by people who want to seek attention and that suicide is such as bad thing (when you commit suicide, you will go straight to hell) because that's what I heard from the elders. It was only a few years ago when I finally learned the truth about depression --- that it's a mental illness and it needs to be treated with professional help. Having depression is very serious and sometimes can lead to suicide so if you know someone who has depression and suicidal tendencies, you may want to help them by checking up on them and if you can, accompany them to seek help from a psychiatrist.

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Let me share one instance in my life where I experienced a major panic attack. I'm an anxious person ever since I was a child but never did I expect that I'd experience a panic attack. It was during my training for Cebu Pacific two and a half years ago. We only had two lifelines each for the whole duration of the training and I already used up my two lifelines on the first and third (I think) exams so if I fail one more time, I will be removed from the training. Training included memorizing procedures from two thick manuals and a lot of time pressure. Our class was 8am to 5pm and exams were every once to twice a week so after class, I and my friends needed to study right away. You know when you're in college and you need pull an all-nighter just to study for your exam? That's what I never thought I'd experience in that training.

Anyways, a night before our final exam, I and my friends stayed up all night just to memorize A LOT of procedures and since I was sleepless and my brain wasn't working anymore, I just stopped reading and cried and cried and cried and I kept on telling my friends "What if I fail? This is my last shot. I don't want to fail." I gave my brain a rest and slept for a couple of hours and when I woke up, I tried studying again. I didn't have enough sleep and my brain was still tired from all the pressure so I couldn't help but cry again and this time, I couldn't breathe! I was trying to catch my breath and I think it lasted for 3-5 minutes and I didn't know what to do so I called my friend to tell her what I was going through. She comforted me so the hyperventilation slowly stopped. I was still crying but she made me feel all better.

There are some things that are and aren't worth keeping in your life. If your job doesn't give you peace of mind, quit and find a new one that'll make you feel happy or satisfied. If you have a friend who doesn't give a damn on what you're going through in life or is too toxic, cut them off of your life. If you feel like life is so unfair whenever you're on social media because everyone you know has figured out life then avoid social media for a while. I know it's easier to talk rather than to act but life isn't always easy and you also need to help yourself to have a good mental health. Spend time with your loved ones and friends. Seek professional help. Take care of yourself by getting enough sleep, food and exercise. And most importantly, love yourself.


How about you? Do you know anyone who has a mental health issue and how do you handle it?
