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12 Signs You're Selectively Social

Have you ever wondered why there are days in your sweet life when you feel like you want to talk and hang out with your friends and there are also times when you feel like hanging out with just your laptop or a book you recently bought? Do not worry, my friend. You are not crazy. You are selective…

Friday's 10 Happy Things

I think it's just timely to do this since we're all still in quarantine...

I'm bringing up again this blog series that's originally created by Helga 'cause I think it'll help me appreciate life more despite what's happening to the world lately. Don't get me wrong. T…

Travel Diary: Bohol

Usually when Dan and I travel, it's either just the two of us or us with friends but this time, for the first time, we traveled to Bohol with our couple friends: Sheen and Ralph.

Sheen and Ralph were both born and grew up in Bohol. Sheen is from Jagna while Ralph is from Guindulman. Dan and I …

Your Mental Health Is Important

Disclaimer: I was too anxious to post this since mental health is a very sensitive topic. If I had written something incorrect or offensive, please let me know right away. I would really appreciate it.

I want to talk about mental health since we just celebrated World Mental Health Day last October …