12 Signs You're Selectively Social

Have you ever wondered why there are days in your sweet life when you feel like you want to talk and hang out with your friends and there are also times when you feel like hanging out with just your laptop or a book you recently bought? Do not worry, my friend. You are not crazy. You are selectively social (and you are not alone).

  1. You just stare at your phone while it rings and lower down the volume so it doesn’t get annoying because you don’t feel like talking to that person (and everyone else) even if she’s your friend.
  2. You don’t reply to texts right away so you’d forget that you received that text message and eventually replying to it a day or two after.
  3. When a friend sends you a PM on Facebook, you don’t open it right away because a) you don’t want it to be marked as seen and b) you’re too lazy to think of a response to their message.
  4. You don’t go to social gatherings/events unless you have at least one close friend to go with.
  5. You have perfected your default answers and awkward laughs when your aunts ask you questions on family gatherings.
  6. When you see an acquaintance from afar who walks towards you, you get your phone and pretend to be texting or doing something on it. OR when you see an acquaintance riding the same bus with you, you pretend to be asleep so he can’t talk to you.
  7. You only consider like two to three people in your life as “real friends” whom you can share your deepest secrets with and you’re totally fine with that.
  8. It feels like it’s the end of the world when you forgot your earphones at home because you’re too scared that you bump into someone you know and have an awkward conversation with them.
  9. You always pray to not see someone you know whenever you’re in a mall/public place unless you like that someone (not romantically, of course) and you want to sit down, have coffee with them, and catch up with their life.
  10. When you agree to meet up with your friend but she brought another friend of hers whom you haven’t met yet, you can’t do anything but to play cool while stabbing your friend repeatedly at the back of your mind.
  11. You sometimes avoid commenting/replying to a tweet even if you have something to say because you’re afraid that the conversation will not last too long because it’s either you’ll run out of things to say to them or they don’t reply to you anymore because what you said didn’t make any sense to them.
  12. You have the idea that people just easily come and go from each other’s lives so as much as possible, you don’t open up to anyone except to the closest people to you.

So, are these only applicable to me or can you relate too?


  1. All of these are applicable to me! Except that I really lend my ears to someone who needs it. I'm really an awkward person, so as much as possible, I always make sure my chargers, earphones are at my bag (i cant live without these huhu). I also hate being asked by my relatives how am I doing plus the comparison they make when they find out I am still at my own process...I guess this is a tradition among reunions. I hope when we become these Titas or Titos, we don't ask them when they will graduate from college or grad school.



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